2022 Mid-Season Report Cover
June 2022
Project Overview
Client Seattle Mariners, Major League Baseball (MLB)
Role  Graphic Design Assistant
Duration One month
To design the cover for the Seattle Mariners' 2022 Mid-Season Report, adhere to the team's brand guidelines while using creative freedom to position and size the cover elements effectively.
As part of the Seattle Mariners' 2022 Mid-Season Report, I was tasked with designing the cover, which would be a key piece of collateral for the organization. This independent project required multiple drafts and rounds of review before receiving final approval from my superiors. The objective was to create a dynamic and visually engaging cover that aligned with the Mariners' brand identity while showcasing the players prominently.
Design & Drafting
The design process began with a deep dive into the Seattle Mariners' brand guidelines to ensure consistency with their established visual identity. While the guidelines dictated color schemes, fonts, and logo usage, I had creative control over the cover elements' positioning, sizing, and overall composition.
Hierarchy & Visual Flow
To achieve a compelling design, I utilized subject and text hierarchies, ensuring that the viewers’ attention would be directed first to the central player images and then to the report title. This approach created a sense of movement and interest throughout the cover. By experimenting with various layouts, I established a visual flow that naturally guided the viewer’s eye across the cover from top to bottom.
Review & Iteration
The project involved several rounds of internal review. Feedback from my superiors focused on fine-tuning the balance between brand adherence and creative expression. After incorporating these suggestions, the final design was approved for print.
Final Design
The completed cover features three Seattle Mariners players in dynamic poses, with the "2022 Mid-Season Report" title integrated into the layout. The design adheres to the team's brand colors and typography. At the same time, the subject and text hierarchy create a strong visual impact, directing attention to key elements and ensuring a cohesive look.
The final design captured the energy and spirit of the Seattle Mariners mid-season performance while staying true to the brand’s identity. The cover was well-received by the organization and was used as the official cover for the 2022 Mid-Season Report, which was distributed internally and to key stakeholders.
Lessons Learned
This project emphasized the importance of balancing creative freedom with brand consistency. I gained valuable experience managing independent projects with significant responsibility and learned how to incorporate feedback while effectively maintaining my design vision.
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